You love everything about your pet, but one thing that isn't so great: finding his fur all over your house. Pets can make a serious mess, and from carpeted stairs to hardwood floors and everywhere in between, it sometimes seems like your four-legged friend's hair is taking over.
So,What's the best vacuum to get rid of pet hair?
Try to introduce a new friend Moosoo to your dog
It’s important that dogs learn that the sight, sound and smell of the vacuum cleaner being used isn’t scary, because it’s something they’re probably going to be experiencing a lot of.

Play games with dogs next to the vacuum
Enjoy a fun game with your dog with the vacuum cleaner in sight but switched off. Scatter some treats around it for them to enjoy finding and let them sniff and investigate it if they wish. If they prefer to avoid it that’s fine, just make sure they have a good time while it’s there.

Introduce the movement of the vacuum cleaner
First, have the vacuum out, turned off, and then bring your dog in.
Start at a distance. As soon as your dog sees the vacuum, start giving them treats (classically conditioning your dog that the vacuum equals food). Do this for a week, just a few minutes every day.
Move closer as your dog gets relaxed. If, at the end of the week, your dog’s manner toward the vacuum has started to change (looks for the food, shows “happy” signs when he sees the vacuum) then your dog has successfully paired food with the vacuum and you can move on.
Second, you want to feed your dog while you move the vacuum (turned OFF!). Start your dog at a good distance with slow movements.
- Do not have him tied, give him the option of fleeing if necessary.
- Just movie the vacuum a few inches at first and then give your dog a break.
- When the vacuum is not moving, stop rewarding.
Do this until your dog seems comfortable with the movement. You should be able to gradually work closer and closer to the vacuum as it moves and also move it for longer periods of time.

Introduce the noise of the vacuum cleaner
Next is the noise of the vacuum. Again, this is easier with two people. Start with your dog in another room with the door closes (so the noise is muffled.)
- Have someone run the vacuum for just a few seconds, while you are feeding your dog the entire time.
- Continue this until your dog seems to not react to the noise any longer. Then, make it louder by bringing your dog closer and/or opening the door a bit.
- Repeat and slowing open the door more and/or bring your dog closer as he is successful.
Once you are in the room and you can turn the vacuum on and off (without movement!) for a few seconds without your dog reacting, you are going to gradually build up duration, until you can leave the vacuum on for a couple minutes with no problem (this is a great way to feed your dog his dinner!).

Encourage them to settle while you are vacuuming
- Do a minute of noise and then turn the vacuum off.
- Give your dog a break.
- Then move the vacuum with it turned off.
- Give your dog a break.
- repeat
Start your dog at a distance that he is comfortable with and then build up to him being close. Remember to keep him loose so if he feels the need to run, he can. (If you don’t allow flight, your dog may turn and “fight” the vacuum if he is scared).
Then, from a distance, turn on the vacuum and slowly move it, just a tiny bit. Remember to reward any time the vacuum is on and/or moving and not to reward when it’s off and still. This teaches your dog that the big loud scary thing moving is a good thing – it means treats!
Keep working on duration until you can do a whole room without a break, and then two, and so own.
Always give your dog an escape route. It’s OKAY if he would rather sit quietly in another room while you vacuum, right? At least he isn’t barking or attacking the vacuum. Again, this is where two people can be handy since someone else could be rewarding your do in the other room while you turn the vacuum on and off and move it around.
If they seem comfortable with the noise and sight of the vacuum cleaner, start to throw treats away from you for them to chase and find as you begin to move it around slowly and calmly. This will help them get used to doing something very enjoyable while the vacuum cleaner is moving, and associate its noise, feel and movement with ‘good things happening’ to them. If they seem interested in its movement and try to pounce on it or chase it then simply stop moving it and distract them away with treats and games. They should be learning that it is much more rewarding to chase their treats than the vacuum cleaner. If they hide away, stop altogether. Repeat the previous step for longer before trying again. Gradually build up to being able to move the vacuum cleaner for longer each time.

What to do if your dog is overly worried by vacuum cleaners
If your dog shows signs of being very worried or extremely excited by the vacuum cleaner, arrange for the vacuuming to be done while they’re out on a walk and seek professional help. Consult your vet to make sure your dog isn’t unwell or in any pain and ask for referral to an accredited behaviourist.